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Bring Back the Blue

Restoring the Health of the Ichetucknee River

Ichetucknee Alliance is a 501c3 non-profit working to restore and protect the Ichetucknee River and its many springs. Founded in 2013, our organization has led numerous successful campaigns that have produced real change. Through community education, events, and online petitions organized by our dedicated members, we work to educate leaders and decision-makers, moving them to rethink what is possible.
Our Advocacy Work

Springs Protection Zone
The Alliance is focused on obtaining a Springs Protection Zone for the Ichetucknee as offered by the State of Florida statute Section 327.45.
A Springs Protection Zone will help protect the river and ensure its health for future generations.
If you would like to help with this initiative, please email us! We encourage local residents, business owners, and students to join our SPZ working group.

Ichetucknee Alliance assists local programs aimed at raising ecological awareness of our most cherished river and its springss. The Parknership Program, hosted by Fort White High School, brings students face-to-face with springs habitat through a partnership with Ichetucknee Springs State Park.
The Alliance provides a portion of funding for this program with the longterm goal of expanding this program to other nearby schools.

Water that feeds the Ichetucknee River comes from a much larger land mass surrounding the spring. This land mass is called a springshed.
As water makes its way to the springs, it picks up pollutants from a variety of sources. The primary pollutant impacting the health of local springs is called nitrate. Sources of nitrates include fertilizers used on farms, ranches, and lawns as well as animal waste. Human waste from septic tanks, stormwater runoff and wastewater treated by municipal sewage systems are also sources.
Discover the path that water takes on its way to our beloved blue river in hopes of better understanding how to prevent pollution.
Click here for a fascinating tour!